EUR MXN Exchange Rate

This is the live EUR MXN rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the EUR/MXN. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency EUR with the second table of results. Also see the live EUR MXN chart, EUR exchange rate or the MXN exchange rate.

Live EUR to MXN Forex Rate Today

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of EUR. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other EUR Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
EUR AUD 1.66012292879011 1.65678101331839 +0 +0.2% 1.6566551997883 1.66825400567356 00:52:14
EUR CAD 1.46540587725 1.4655016785 -0 -0.01% 1.4639466259 1.4681226111 00:52:14
EUR CHF 0.97010723625 0.9711053125 -0 -0.1% 0.9564957298 0.97112507985 00:52:14
EUR GBP 0.861186882463478 0.855844082735549 +0.01 +0.62% 0.855474165123017 0.861562464632747 00:52:14
EUR ILS 4.035995595 4.037031115 -0 -0.03% 4.0224278835 4.0565060575 00:52:14
EUR JPY 164.769589425 164.5424878125 +0.23 +0.14% 163.024015875 165.0253376 00:52:14
EUR NOK 11.740897439625 11.767513624875 -0.03 -0.23% 11.727063268275 11.777834784 00:52:14
EUR NZD 1.80974743957742 1.80320577446055 +0.01 +0.36% 1.80260160398371 1.81360504725398 00:52:14
EUR PLN 4.30797085125 4.337839632375 -0.03 -0.69% 4.3045193792 4.3688968323 00:52:14
EUR SEK 11.63827139925 11.679874696125 -0.04 -0.36% 11.622816173025 11.71285717125 00:52:14
EUR SGD 1.450861461 1.449458486625 +0 +0.1% 1.448340075 1.4524410756 00:52:14
EUR USD 1.065525 1.064225 +0 +0.12% 1.06105 1.067765 00:52:14
EUR ZAR 20.33408485575 20.40252353125 -0.07 -0.34% 20.3014523954 20.5768160694 00:52:14