GBP ZAR Exchange Rate

This is the live GBP ZAR rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the GBP/ZAR. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency GBP with the second table of results. Also see the live GBP ZAR chart, GBP exchange rate or the ZAR exchange rate.

Live GBP to ZAR Forex Rate Today

GBP/ZAR +0.02 Days Low Days High Last Daily
23.650656534 +0.1% 23.614772586175 23.77991824455 23.6266183215 13:08:59

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of GBP. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other GBP Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
GBP AUD 1.94039688661384 1.93224917523773 +0.01 +0.42% 1.93175910046792 1.94139154160982 13:08:59
GBP CAD 1.7170738884 1.715943807 +0 +0.07% 1.7135134605 1.718125464 13:08:59
GBP CHF 1.1365741314 1.13500342035 +0 +0.14% 1.1335538731 1.13740094475 13:08:59
GBP EUR 1.1704263478457 1.1714748265768 -0 -0.09% 1.1701058524077 1.1725979653353 13:08:59
GBP ILS 4.68334764 4.673883933 +0.01 +0.2% 4.644466562 4.697947165 13:08:59
GBP JPY 192.58757316 191.944376505 +0.64 +0.34% 191.64808956 192.66528672 13:08:59
GBP NOK 13.6626363036 13.61214399375 +0.05 +0.37% 13.6060915415 13.69671486875 13:08:59
GBP NZD 2.11485975832406 2.108632855848 +0.01 +0.3% 2.10701831601043 2.11648966473084 13:08:59
GBP PLN 5.083256466 5.042910798 +0.04 +0.8% 5.041136763 5.08980621225 13:08:59
GBP SEK 13.6151926596 13.5466463925 +0.07 +0.51% 13.5458146725 13.64389586325 13:08:59
GBP SGD 1.698663015 1.6966399059 +0 +0.12% 1.6949899428 1.6994538885 13:08:59
GBP USD 1.24524 1.24461 +0 +0.05% 1.24086 1.24606 13:08:59
GBP ZAR 23.650656534 23.6266183215 +0.02 +0.1% 23.614772586175 23.77991824455 13:08:59