NZD USD Exchange Rate

This is the live NZD USD rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the NZD/USD. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency NZD with the second table of results. Also see the live NZD USD chart, NZD exchange rate or the USD exchange rate.

Live NZD to USD Forex Rate Today

NZD/USD +0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
0.59604 +0.06% 0.595605 0.596385 0.59569 01:42:41

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of NZD. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other NZD Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
NZD AUD 0.91389144434223 0.91345984282155 +0 +0.05% 0.91338413652463 0.91406255988104 01:42:41
NZD CAD 0.8142293826 0.81372743225 +0 +0.06% 0.8136202542 0.8145714893 01:42:41
NZD CHF 0.5441517378 0.5437339182 +0 +0.08% 0.543665265975 0.5444323201 01:42:41
NZD EUR 0.5556834867731 0.55535459571334 +0 +0.06% 0.55530641356741 0.55603781853444 01:42:41
NZD GBP 0.47667183826234 0.47630051332896 +0 +0.08% 0.47625539740924 0.47706264224602 01:42:41
NZD ILS 2.224138958 2.224138958 +0 +0% 2.224138958 2.224138958 01:42:41
NZD JPY 92.77034778 92.699788575 +0.07 +0.08% 92.69184392 92.818132245 01:42:41
NZD NOK 6.48758892145 6.531681281 -0.04 -0.68% 6.531667043 6.531667043 01:42:41
NZD PLN 2.3804265485 2.3961094129 -0.02 -0.65% 2.396163792 2.396163792 01:42:41
NZD SEK 6.4308815389 6.4841392621 -0.05 -0.82% 6.48424296795 6.48424296795 01:42:41
NZD SGD 0.8016927828 0.8096439773 -0.01 -0.98% 0.80966436485 0.80966436485 01:42:41
NZD USD 0.59604 0.59569 +0 +0.06% 0.595605 0.596385 01:42:41
NZD ZAR 11.33399862 11.3357185964 -0 -0.02% 11.33353162 11.3491691246 01:42:41