ZAR SGD Exchange Rate

This is the live ZAR SGD rate forex data page, displaying the FX price for the ZAR/SGD. The FX rate self-updates every few seconds. Compare exchange rates with base currency ZAR with the second table of results. Also see the live ZAR SGD chart, ZAR exchange rate or the SGD exchange rate.

Live ZAR to SGD Forex Rate Today

ZAR/SGD +0 Days Low Days High Last Daily
0.071351205195238 +0.22% 0.0712139526852012 0.0712139526852012 0.0711927181418707 21:09:46

Below you can compare more exchange rates using the base exchange rate of ZAR. Although all live forex rates displayed update every few seconds and uses live forex rates data, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. Please always verify data from multiple sources before carrying out any forex trading activity.

Other ZAR Forex Rates

Forex Value Last Daily Change Low High Updated
ZAR AUD 0.080084855373102 0.080627917579653 -0 -0.67% 0.079899064795103 0.080653443491618 21:09:46
ZAR CAD 0.072066477918509 0.071469711236661 +0 +0.83% 0.07148945856423 0.07148945856423 21:09:46
ZAR CHF 0.047708428637529 0.047697216991002 +0 +0.02% 0.047711705206093 0.047711705206093 21:09:46
ZAR EUR 0.048634136592586 0.048878485592015 -0 -0.5% 0.048573136344309 0.048989992180902 21:09:46
ZAR GBP 0.041755235573566 0.042003998044704 -0 -0.59% 0.041726462016202 0.042103179014724 21:09:46
ZAR ILS 0.19301171645476 0.19301171645476 +0 +0% 0.19301171645476 0.19301171645476 21:09:46
ZAR JPY 8.08114837494872 8.09531282695125 -0.01 -0.17% 8.04172262335692 8.12005004050786 21:09:46
ZAR NOK 0.57739984478844 0.57071929273907 +0.01 +1.17% 0.57091699240723 0.57091699240723 21:09:46
ZAR NZD 0.087684059555588 0.088136671308102 -0 -0.51% 0.087581132222955 0.08823594796808 21:09:46
ZAR PLN 0.211859588558361 0.210635070098347 +0 +0.58% 0.21069789589907 0.21069789589907 21:09:46
ZAR SEK 0.57235284901248 0.5657368173258 +0.01 +1.17% 0.56577918713992 0.56577918713992 21:09:46
ZAR SGD 0.071351205195238 0.0711927181418707 +0 +0.22% 0.0712139526852012 0.0712139526852012 21:09:46
ZAR USD 0.052029528838797 0.052312199204855 -0 -0.54% 0.051911888912711 0.052424199849438 21:09:46